Monday, February 25, 2008

El Duque Was Shopped

The Mets quietly sought trade offers for Orlando Hernandez late this winter, with the idea that if anyone bit, they would sign Lohse. But apparently there were no takers.

At the moment El Duque is literally hurting from head to toe. He recently revealed that he didn't actually have the bunion removed from his foot that impeded him last year, and that he is due for a root canal, as well. Beyond that, one of these days old age may finally catch up to Hernandez, who's listed as 41.

The Mets should just trade him for whatever they could get. If you ate about $4 million dollars someone would take him no matter what. We all know he is not 41 and more like 45/46, but he still knows how to pitch. If no one was even offering a 2 top 45 prospects then o well keep him the year so Pelfrey only has to pitch half the season in the majors.

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