Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Vilma Going Shopping

sorry about this late post focusing on the NFL trade deadline:

Boston Globs:

Jets linebacker Jonathan Vilma is on the trading block, but the linebacker-needy Patriots shouldn't get their hopes up. Two sources with ties to Vilma said the 2004 first-round pick has permission to shop his services to 30 of the league's teams, but not the Patriots.

While a high-ranking Jets official said the team would trade within the division if the value was right, even if it meant dealing with its bitter rival in New England, the sources close to Vilma contended otherwise.

Can you really blame them for not letting him talk to the Patriots? I mean honestly for the Jets that is the one team you do not want to help at all. But if the Patriots wanted to overpay starting with the 49ers draft pick and more I would have to consider it, but they would have to pay much more then any other team for fans to accept it.

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