Wednesday, April 16, 2008

New York Is A Good Place to Have a Team

"The New York Yankees’ value increased to $1.306 billion over the past year, according to the annual estimates by Forbes magazine, a rise of 9 percent over the past year.
The New York Mets were second at $824 million.
The Yankees were listed by Forbes as having $327 million in revenue last year and a $47.3 million operating loss, up from a $25.2 million loss on revenue of $302 million the previous year. Forbes’ revenue figure is after deducting revenue sharing payments, which the Yankees estimate at about $92 million. The team also paid approximately $24 million in luxury tax, which is reflected in the operating loss. The Mets had an operating profit of $32.9 million, according to Forbes."

...Wow that is just crazy $1,306,000,000 that is just a crazy number. $824,000 is crazy enough, but a BILLION dollars damn. People wonder why the Yankees are able to spend so much more money than everyone else, well there is your answer. It would be pretty cool to be in charge of one of these two power houses , something that none of else will ever know what it feels like.

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