Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Wang out for the count

It was recently reported that Wang will be out for 6-10 weeks and possibly more. With him out, the Yankees will need to look for another starter to replace him. They have already had to find replacements for Kennedy and Hughes, and will now need to have a third spot starter. Rumors have surfaced about either Brad Penny or Sabathia, but neither seem likely. David Wells' name is also being tossed around, but he too will likely not be chosen. Probably, the Yankees will try to rebuild from within and start another young gun. I suggest Dan Rieves but Jeff Karstens as also a possibility. One thing is for sure, The Yankees will need to survive another injury, or face elimination for contention for the playoffs.

If you have questions or comments, please post or email me at countzacky@yahoo.com.

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