Sunday, April 13, 2008

Jeter "I'm ready to play..."

"Derek Jeter of the Yankees actually got to use his legs a little bit for the first time since straining his left quadriceps Monday. Jeter hit in the batting cage and again during batting practice, jogged briefly around the bases and took ground balls at shortstop. Previously, his only baseball-related activity since injuring his leg had been playing catch. Jeter reported no setbacks from the running and said he felt no pain. "That's what I was allowed to do," Jeter said. ["If you ask me, I'm ready to play now."]"

...Even though Jeter is one of the most valuable players to this Yankee team I am inclined to sit him despite his comments. If you ask any player they will tell you they are ready whether they are or are not. It is a long season and you need Jeter down the road not to mention Alberto Gonzalez has been playing above average in his place.

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