Saturday, May 10, 2008

Mets Recap Game #1

The Mets picked up the win 12-6. Johan Santana(right) picked up his 4th win of the season. He pitched fairly well, but gave up a lot of hits(10), gave up a homer, and 3 runs all earned. Carlos Delgado was just beastly today after getting moved down to the 7th spot. The move down to 7th could have been looked at surprisingly considering Delgado took a 6 game hitting streak into today and had 9 hits in his last 8 games, however, the move paid off so thumbs up to Willie Randolph.

Aaron Heilman
and Pedro Feliciano gave up runs in their inning of work, but Jorge Sosa closed out the game with a scoreless 9th. Carlos Beltran also killed the ball today and had a base clearing triple in the 6th inning. David Wright reached base 4 times (2 walks, 2 singles) and Brian Schneider got his 1st extra base hit with a homerun in the 7th (back -to-back with Delgado)

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