Saturday, May 10, 2008

Yankees Recap 5/10

Darrell Rasner (W 2-0)(right) was genius again for the second straight start in a row in the Yankees 5-2 victory over the Tigers. He pitched 6 innings of 2-run ball, one was an inherited runner allowed in by Kyle Farnsworth. Rasner gave up 4 hits, 1 walk, and had 1 K. After Farnsworth gave up the 1 inherited run he got through his inning of work without giving up a run. Then came the real show. Joba Chamberlain and Mariano Rivera were their usual selves. Joba struckout one in a perfect 8th and Mo got his 10th save in a scoreless 9th.

Derek Jeter
got the offense started with a 1st inning homerun off of Jeremy Bonderman. Bobby Abreu had a good night at the dish going 2-4 with his 7th double and 23rd RBI. Wilson Betemit had to be taken out of the game with what appeared to be a hamstring injury and will be placed on the DL tomorrow allowing Alberto Gonzalez to be called up again. Star 3rd baseman Alex Rodriguez, who is making great progress, had this to say:

So far, so good,” Rodriguez said Saturday“I don’t want to speculate,” Rodriguez said when asked if could return then."
He could begin rehab games soon. Fellow DL mate Jorge Posada will be out at least another month. With the way Darrell Rasner has been pitching fearlessly, his success, and the high praise he can find himself on the big league roster for a while and save the Yankees some trade pieces.

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