Saturday, February 2, 2008

Rangers Top Team for Dan Boyle?

We have this info according to Eklund over at hockeybuzz:

"There is probably one single reason that the Lightning will be on the outside looking into these playoffs.. Dan Boyle's injury. With Dan Boyle went the transition game and the Lightning are just now showing signs of recovery..Now that he is back and performing at a very high level, AND he is a pending UFA the teams are starting to line up.

The top team as of this writing appears to be the New York Rangers who can obviously stand to get an experience top tier puck moving UFA, but then again, who doesn't need Dan Boyle..."

This could be huge for the Rangers. All year one of their weakest parts has been their powerplay. The main reason for their lack of success on the powerplay was that they needed a quarterback defenseman. This is exactly what Boyle would do for them, allow them to open up the ice, take shots, and open up some lanes for Jagr and Shanahan. The one problem is the salary cap. Boyle is owed $3.625 million so the Rangers would have to give a big salary up. The trade could be something like Montoya and Malik for Boyle. Boyle was injured for the majority of the season and is set to become a free agent after the 2008 season.

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