Sunday, February 3, 2008

Special Shout Out to the D

The Giants D deserves credit for this win. They put the greatest pressure on Tom Brady anyone has this season. They accumulated 16 hits son Brady, 5 sacks, forced 1 fumble, and pressured him 23 times!

No other team has even come close to matching that. Every play they were on top of him and gave him some shots that hit him hard. He showed the effects of getting hit so many times. He began to rush his throws, fumbled it once, and threw many passes no where near the receivers. Manning/Burress will get the majority of the credit for this win, but without the amazing showing the defense put out there the Giants would have been blown out. The defense as a whole deserves MVP and I felt Justin Tuck, Kawika Mitchell, Michael Strahan, and Antonio Pierce deserve an extra hand.

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