Saturday, February 9, 2008

Two Young Starters Going to Arbitration

Oliver Perez 26 year old lefty on the Mets is set to go to arbitration. The main reason for this is Ollie's absurd contract demands. Ollie is asking for $6 million or $1 mill for each run in his ERA in 2006 (6.63) The Mets on the other hand are offering $4.75 mill. Most players would take that deal, but with Scott Boras as an agent he will hold out. The Mets also want to talk a long term deal, but with Perez to be a free agent after this year Scott Boras is more than likely to test the free agent market.

I have been a fan of Ollie's since he first came up and was ecstatic when I learned he came to New York and he hasn't disappointed. Last year he pitched to a 3.56 ERA and won 15 games with some impressive performances especially one against the Yankees.

The other New York pitcher is young Taiwanese starter of the Yankees is Chien-Ming Wang. Wang has been very impressive over the last 2 years. He has won 19 games in both years and has pitched to a record of 46-18 in his 1st 3 years in the major leagues. While pitching in the American League he has also managed to keep his ERA under 4 the last two years (3.63 & 3.70) The strikeouts aren't amazing, but it doesn't matter with his amazing sinker. He has been durable and pitched over 400 innings the last 2 years. His contract isn't even that bad he is only asking for $4.6 mill. The Yanks are asking for $4 mill leacing them 600k apart. Wang is a couple of years away from free agency and could be looking for a longer deal. This is what Brain Cashman had to say:
"I expect there will be a hearing. There have been talks but they haven't been productive."

This case is so mysterious to me. The are 600k apart and for the "Evil Empire" to take their ace to arbitration for the 1st time since 2000 seems like a dumb idea. Nothing good ever comes out of arbitration and for this little amount of money doesn't seem like a good idea. Caving in is never a good thing, but when you are dealing with a guy who has been your ace in the American League for 2 years you should just reward him. This is $2 mill less than what Perez is asking for and less than the Mets are offering him.

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