Friday, February 8, 2008

Yanks Ink Cano for 4

Yesterday the New York Yankees announced that they had signed 25 year old All-Star 2nd baseman Robinson Cano for 4 years. The contract also has 2 option years for 2012 and 2013. Over the 4 years he will receive $30 million dollars or $7.5 per year. The 2012 option year is worth $13 mill and the 2013 option year is for $15 mill.

This is a very good signing by the Yanks. Robinson Cano has been one of the best 2nd basemen in the league for the last couple of years and continues to improve. In Yankee Stadium with the short left porch look for a 25+ homer year, 100 RBI year, and a .300+ season. AL starting 2nd baseman this year.

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