Wednesday, April 2, 2008

NY Scoreboard 4/2

Mets demolished the Marlins 13-0. Oliver Perez through the Mets best game so far striking out 8 over 6 innings while walking only 1 and giving up 5 hits. David Wright received his 1st MVP chants of the season hitting a home run and getting 3 RBI's (6 on the season). He wound up going 3-5 and Beltran was 3-4 with 3 doubles (one was a home run that was ruled a double)

Yankees lost to the Blue Jays 5-2
. Mussina didn't pitch well giving up 4 runs(3 earned) over 5.2 innings. A-Rod hit his 1st home run of the season. With Posada sitting out for shoulder stiffness Jose Molina was 2-2 at throwing runners out.

The Islanders were not in action today. Their next game is Thursday April 3rd against the Rangers.

The Rangers were not in action today. Their next game is Thursday April 3rd against the Islanders.

The Knicks lost to the Grizzlies 130-114 helping their draft status out! David Lee and Zach Randolph both had double-doubles. Randolph had 27 points 10 rebounds, Lee 19 points 10 rebounds.

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