Monday, May 12, 2008

Yankees Recap 5/12

Matt Garza was an absolute stud in today's game. He held the Yanks to no runs and 5 hits for an box score that looks like this:

Final 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E
NYY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 6 0
TB 0 1 0 4 1 0 1 0 0 7 13 0
W: Garza (2-1) L: Pettitte (3-4)

That is certainly not the type of box score you want to see when playing the Rays, even if they are much improved this year. The bats were just in outer space. There was only 1, count that 1, extra base hit and that was a RBI double by Johnny Damon in the 8th inning. Recently called up Alberto Gonzalez had a good day at the plate with 2 singles (2-3)

Andy Pettitte was terrible going 4 innings and giving up 4 earned runs. He managed to throw 81 pitches in those innings, but the people who relieved for him were not much better. Chris Britton and Jose Veras weren't much better giving up a combined 2 runs, 2 walks and 5 hits in 3.2 innings. Edwar Ramirez was the only person to give up no runs, however, he only pitched .1 innings and struck the guy out.

It would have been nice for Pettitte to come in and stop the Rays win streak at 4, because this is a team you do not want to have confidence. With their young talent they should have the durability to last the whole season and if they have a cock, confidence to go with that I would watch out. I mean when was the last time the Rays and O's were ahead of the Yankees and the Yankees were in danger of falling into last place in the division? I think never......

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