Monday, May 12, 2008

Mets Recap 5/12

Nelson Figueroa... (shakes head). No, just kidding I am not going to turn on the guy after this game he has been a pleasant surprise so far. He got a little wild by walking 5 guys, helping him pick up the loss. He looked good early on and I got a little excited, but then it just all went down hill to lead to a terrible game. He then made that terrible throw home and it was all over ......

Final 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E
WAS 0 1 1 1 3 4 0 0 0 10 10 0
NYM 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 12 2
W: Perez (1-3) L: Figueroa (2-3)
HR » NYM: D. Easley (1), D. Wright (7)

Jorge Sosa (shakes head for real this time). I am not sure what to think of this guy. He has a good fastball that sits around 93-94 and an excellent slider he can throw for strikes, but can't seem to get outs. When it rains it pours on Sosa who now has 4 games in which he has given up 4 or more runs, 2 times were on grand slams. Duaner Sanchez was solid, but how good has Joe Smith looked this season? Struck out the side in the 8th and really making a case to not get sent down to the minors, while Sosa is doing the exact opposite. Billy Wagner, like Smith, struck out the side in his inning of work.

Moises Alou is just one of the best pure hitters I have ever seen, He does not get the same press as some guys, but just goes out, rakes, and plays hard, a class act. Still a little bitter about giving up a 1st round for him, but if he does well again this year it would be worth it.

Why are people calling out David Wright on being clutch? If my calendar is correct it is May 12h not October 12th. Yea he hit a homer with no one on and grounded out with the bases loaded, but the way he carried the team down the stretch last year showed how clutch he is, don't get on him over this. Damion Easley had a nice little game with a homer, single, and 2 RBI's.

After grabbing the lead 3 different times you would have like to see the Mets take this game against the Nationals, but you can't win them all and fans have to realize that. Just put this game behind you, unless your name is Smith, Alou, Wagner, or Easley, and get ready to play tomorrow.

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